React Tailwind Sign up Page Template

Here, you will find another auth page: the Sign-Up or Registration page.

If you're looking for a simple and minimal Sign up page built with React and Tailwind CSS, this docs is for you! Just copy and paste the component code, and your Sign up page layout is ready.

Preview of Sign up Page

react tailwind sign up page

Tailwind Sign up Page Component

Sign up to Flexy UI

Already have an account? Log in

Sign Up component explanation:

  1. Reusable Components: The sign-up page is built using three reusable components:
    • Input: A flexible input field with an optional label, error message, and an icon.
    • Button: A button with a loading state for better user feedback.
    • DummyLogo: A simple logo placeholder.
  2. User State Management: The component maintains user state for storing input values (name, email, password) and errors state for form validation.
  3. Form Validation: Basic validation ensures all fields are filled in before submission. Errors are displayed below each input field.
  4. Loading Indicator: A LoaderCircle animation appears inside the button while the form submission is being processed.
  5. API Simulation: A setTimeout function mimics an API request by delaying the success message for 2 seconds.
  6. Tailwind CSS Styling: The UI is designed using Tailwind CSS, with a modern and minimalistic layout.
  7. Login Redirect Option: A small text link below the form allows users to switch to the login page.

If you're also looking for a Login Page Template, you can find it here.

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